Elon Musk received a warning from a European regulator regarding the spread of illegal content and disinformation on X amid the Israel-Hamas conflict. Thierry Breton, the European commissioner for the internal market, sent a letter to Musk stating that there are indications of groups spreading misinformation and “violent and terrorist” content on X.
Breton urged Musk to respond within 24 hours, emphasizing that failure to comply with European regulations could result in fines amounting to 6% of the company’s annual revenue. The letter comes in response to documented instances of misleading content on X, contributing to confusion about the ongoing conflict.
Breton shared the letter via an X post, referencing the Digital Services Act (DSA), recently enacted legislation requiring platforms with over 45 million monthly active users in the EU to monitor and take down illegal content. He reminded Musk that the DSA imposes precise obligations on content moderation and urged X to be transparent and clear about its policies.
Breton expressed concern about the circulation of false or misleading information on X, including repurposed images and manipulated facts. He called on Musk to ensure X’s systems are effective and to report on crisis measures taken.
Breton also expects X to be in contact with relevant law enforcement authorities and Europol and respond promptly to their requests, warning of potential penalties for non-compliance following an investigation. X has not provided an immediate response.
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