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Ming-Chien Chyu | Founding President | Healthcare Engineering Alliance Society

Technology for Human Health Award: Ming-Chien Chyu Advancing Healthcare through Engineering Excellence

Ming-Chien Chyu’s recognition by The Silicon Leaders’ Technology for Human Health Award is a tribute to his exceptional contributions to the field of healthcare engineering. Dr. Chyu, as the Founding President of the Healthcare Engineering Alliance Society (HEALS), has earned widespread recognition and respect for his relentless commitment to revolutionizing healthcare through engineering.

His name is synonymous with groundbreaking contributions that span the breadth of healthcare engineering. He has played a pivotal role in advancing healthcare through innovative engineering approaches.

His focus on enhancing engineering education in healthcare, addressing industry demands for skilled professionals and fostering collaboration between academia and healthcare professionals has had a profound impact. Furthermore, his influence extends beyond the boundaries of any one field. He not only bridges gaps between healthcare and engineering, but also between academia and industry.

By empowering aspiring engineers, connecting experts and revolutionizing education, Dr. Chyu has paved the way for a future where healthcare and engineering seamlessly intersect. The impact of his work is profound and far-reaching, setting the stage for the future of healthcare and creating a lasting legacy that truly deserves this prestigious award. Several key factors contribute to why he deserves this prestigious award:

Global Leadership and Impact: Dr. Chyu’s establishment of HEALS as a global organization with 15,000 members/followers demonstrates his leadership in fostering collaborative efforts between healthcare and engineering professionals worldwide. The society’s recognition as one of the “Most Influential Companies & Organizations of the Year 2022” underscores the significant impact it has had on the intersection of healthcare and engineering.

Defining Healthcare Engineering: Dr. Chyu led a groundbreaking initiative by bringing together 40 expert co-authors worldwide to define healthcare engineering in a milestone white paper. This foundational work, recognized on, establishes the scope of engineering involvement in all aspects of healthcare, from prevention and diagnosis to treatment and management.

Innovative Platforms and Programs: Dr. Chyu’s initiatives, such as the Healthcare Engineering Online Communities and the Journal of Healthcare Engineering, showcase his commitment to bridging gaps and fostering collaboration between healthcare and engineering communities. The establishment of a comprehensive medical device platform (Medical Device Net) and a graduate healthcare engineering degree program at Texas Tech University highlights his dedication to creating valuable resources for professionals and students alike.

Connecting Professionals and Facilitating Collaboration: Through HEALS, Dr. Chyu has created a platform that connects healthcare professionals, engineers, researchers, inventors, consultants, investors, entrepreneurs, and companies. This collaborative space facilitates the conceptualization, research, design, and commercialization of new medical devices and technologies, addressing unmet needs in patient care.

Educational Initiatives: Dr. Chyu developed a healthcare engineering certificate program featuring the innovative “Cutting-Edge Courses Customized” (CeCoCu), which allows individuals to self-decide the course topic, objectives, and scope of their learning based on their backgrounds, interests, career strategies, and market opportunities.

This certificate program was also designed to help practicing engineers transition from other sectors of industry to healthcare, as well as help healthcare professionals (physicians, dentists, nurses, pharmacists, allied health professionals, etc.) learn to apply engineering to their practice, problem-solving, and advancing healthcare.

Holistic Approach to Healthcare Engineering: Dr. Chyu’s contributions extend beyond specific technical areas, making a widespread and profound impact on healthcare as a whole. His programs and platforms not only advance healthcare through engineering but also facilitate collaboration across diverse engineering disciplines, promoting a comprehensive approach to healthcare engineering.

We believe Dr. Chyu’s visionary leadership, innovative platforms and educational initiatives have significantly contributed to the evolution and recognition of healthcare engineering as a specialized field. His enduring impact on healthcare and engineering collaboration makes him a deserving recipient of The Silicon Leaders’ “Technology for Human Health Award.” Dr. Chyu is a Fellow of ASME, and a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Trustees, and has received more than 35 honors/awards, including those from 17 US-based global professional magazines, such as “The Most Influential Leaders Across the Globe 2023,” “World’s 10 Most Influential Engineering and Technology Leaders in 2023,” “Transdisciplinary Innovation Award”, “Thought Leadership Award”, “Most Influential Leaders in Engineering & Technology USA,” “Most Visionary Education Leaders in the US,” “World’s Visionary Leaders Making a Difference – 2022,” “Top 100 Innovators & Entrepreneurs”, “Transformational Business Leaders of the Year,” “Best Inspiring Leaders of the Year 2022,” “Most Visionary Education Leaders,” “30 Most Inspiring Leaders to Watch 2022,” and “Innovation Excellence Award.”

It is unusual for Dr. Chyu as an engineering professor, to have won the following prestigious awards in healthcare from four global professional magazines: “World’s Most Influential Leaders Making an Impact in Healthcare, 2023,” “Most Influential Leaders in Healthcare in the US – 2022,” “10 Most Innovative Healthcare Leaders to Watch in the World – 2022,” and “Top 10 Eminent Leaders in the US Healthcare Industry 2023.”

The Healthcare Engineering Alliance Society he established has been recognized as one of the “Most Influential Companies & Organizations of the Year” (2022). Other awards he has received include “Outstanding Researcher,” “Award of Excellence,” “Best Paper,” “Most Useful Paper,” “Excellence in Teaching,” “Professor of the Year,” “Most Influential Faculty Member,” and “Distinguished Achievement” from government, professional societies, foundations, industry, university, and student organization.

According to James P. Bagian, MD, PE, US National Academy of Medicine, US National Academy of Engineering, and former NASA astronaut, “Dr. Chyu has been a pioneer in the field of healthcare engineering and was one of the early advocates for applying engineering practices to efforts to enhance the delivery of healthcare.”

“Dr. Ming-Chien Chyu may have already secured a historical position in the development of healthcare engineering,” noted Fazle Hussain, Ph.D., member of the World Academy of Science and the US National Academy of Engineering.

A Journey of Inspiration

Dr. Chyu attributes his inspiration to pioneer the field of Healthcare Engineering in part to his marriage to Dr. Chwan-Li (Leslie) Shen, a professor in the School of Medicine at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center. Learning from her about the challenges and unmet needs faced by medical doctors and healthcare professionals, he began to see the untapped potential for engineering solutions to address these issues. Recognizing the immense opportunities that arise when healthcare intersects with engineering, Dr. Chyu was motivated to explore and contribute to the field.

As he delved into this interdisciplinary journey, Dr. Chyu connected with thousands of experts worldwide who shared his passion. The mutual encouragement from this community fueled his commitment to the cause.

Over the years, Dr. Chyu acknowledges the invaluable support received from HEALS members and followers globally, the healthcare industry, and government bodies such as the FDA and NIH. The journey transformed from uncertainty about the path forward to exciting connections with like-minded individuals and organizations.

Today, Dr. Chyu finds pride and motivation in contributing to the collaboration between healthcare professionals, engineers, researchers, inventors, entrepreneurs, and companies. His joy comes from assisting engineering students in succeeding in healthcare and supporting healthcare professionals in advancing healthcare through engineering. This sense of purpose propels him forward each day, underscoring the fulfillment he derives from making a meaningful impact in the intersection of healthcare and engineering.

Pioneering the Path

Dr. Chyu acknowledges that being recognized as the “Father of Healthcare Engineering” requires making seminal and continual significant or even monumental contributions to the field. The evidence of such contributions is outlined in the introduction to his work, and he points to his responses in previous statements as further support. His substantial and ongoing efforts in the intersection of healthcare and engineering, as well as the impact of his work on connecting professionals, fostering collaboration, and addressing healthcare challenges, contribute to the recognition of his role as a pioneer in the field.

Defining Healthcare Engineering

Dr. Chyu’s journey in defining the field of Healthcare Engineering involved overcoming the challenge of articulating its essence and purpose. In the initial years, he faced the task of providing clarity on what Healthcare Engineering meant, encountering varied interpretations from those he engaged with.

To address this challenge, Dr. Chyu took a collaborative approach, involving discussions with hundreds of individuals. Drawing on the insights and expertise of 40 experts worldwide, he spearheaded the creation of a milestone white paper in 2015. This document played a crucial role in establishing the foundational principles of Healthcare Engineering. It not only defined Healthcare Engineering as an academic discipline, a field of specialty, and a profession but also outlined its purpose, scope, topics, venues, contributions, education, synergy, and prospects.

This seminal white paper, along with its inclusion on, has been recognized by various magazines as a cornerstone for the global development of Healthcare Engineering. It serves as a comprehensive guide that continues to shape the understanding and evolution of Healthcare Engineering, setting the stage for its continued growth and impact in the years to come.

Growing Significance of Healthcare Engineering

Dr. Chyu’s initiatives in founding numerous platforms highlight the pivotal role of technological innovation in connecting healthcare professionals and engineers. Looking forward, the healthcare industry is poised to remain one of the world’s largest and fastest growing sectors. Consequently, the demand for Healthcare Engineering professionals is expected to escalate in response to the rapid and multifaceted changes in healthcare driven by technological, economic, social, and regulatory factors. Dr. Chyu considers that the future trajectory of Healthcare Engineering is anticipated to be of growing importance across various dimensions of healthcare.

It is expected to play a pivotal role in addressing challenges such as rising healthcare costs, ensuring the safety and quality of healthcare, managing the needs of an aging population, handling common diseases, and navigating the impact of high technology. Healthcare Engineering professionals will also contribute significantly to regulatory compliance, risk management, and the reduction of litigation risk. These professionals will be at the forefront of creating, developing, and implementing cutting-edge devices and systems. Advances in electronics, information technology, miniaturization, material science, optics, and other fields will empower Healthcare Engineering professionals to drive innovation in healthcare delivery.

As technology continues to open new frontiers for engineers in healthcare, and the collaboration between engineering and health sciences deepens, the demand for Healthcare Engineering professionals is expected to rise further. In this evolving landscape, Healthcare Engineering is poised to be recognized as a crucial profession where engineers make major contributions directly benefiting human health. The fusion of engineering expertise with healthcare solutions will play a vital role in shaping the future of healthcare and improving patient outcomes.

Beyond Disciplines

Dr. Chyu highlights the multidisciplinary nature of Healthcare Engineering, emphasizing that it involves engineers from a broad spectrum of disciplines including Biomedical, Chemical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Environmental, Industrial, Information, Materials, Mechanical, Software, and Systems Engineering. This comprehensive approach reflects the diverse expertise required to address the complexities of improving human health.

Dr. Chyu further notes that the human body does not conform neatly to the boundaries of traditional engineering disciplines. Therefore, addressing health issues often necessitates an issue-oriented approach rather than a discipline-oriented one. In essence, the overarching goal is to enhance human health, and achieving this objective may require drawing on various engineering disciplines.

The need for a multidisciplinary approach is well understood by every engineer working in the healthcare industry. Dr. Chyu emphasizes that this aspect of the job makes it both challenging and exciting. The collaborative and integrative nature of Healthcare Engineering is what makes the field rewarding, as professionals pool their diverse expertise to tackle complex health-related challenges and contribute to advancements in medical technology and patient care.

Breaking Boundaries

Dr. Chyu addresses a critical challenge faced by engineering researchers and students involved in healthcare research—the difficulty in finding appropriate venues to publish results due to the interdisciplinary nature of their work. To tackle this issue, he founded and served as the founding editor-in-chief of the Journal of Healthcare Engineering.

This journal stands out as one of the pioneers in publishing scientific articles at the intersection of healthcare and engineering. Recognizing the dearth of suitable platforms for research with both healthcare and engineering components, the Journal of Healthcare Engineering provides a dedicated space for such collaborative work. It encourages and publishes research that emphasizes the direct impact on patient outcomes, making it a unique and valuable resource for professionals and enthusiasts in the healthcare engineering domain. By serving as a platform for the exchange of advanced knowledge, emerging technologies, and innovative ideas, the Journal of Healthcare

Engineering plays a crucial role in fostering collaborative research between healthcare professionals and engineering researchers. It underscores the importance of such interdisciplinary work in bringing about tangible clinical benefits and improvements in patient outcomes.

Advocacy for Cross-Disciplinary


Dr. Chyu underlines the importance of cross-disciplinary collaboration, asserting that engineers, regardless of their specialties, should actively engage with and learn from healthcare professionals, especially frontline clinicians and patients. The objective is to gain insights into the practical aspects of patient care and to understand how to design and manufacture products that genuinely assist clinicians in their responsibilities.

According to Dr. Chyu, proactively seeking close collaboration with healthcare professionals is the key to success in this endeavor. This collaboration involves staying informed about new technologies and industry trends or even pioneering new technologies when necessary. The ultimate goal is to work closely with clinicians to transform these technologies into products that are not only usable but can also meet the regulatory standards of the FDA.

The overarching aim is to create innovations that truly benefit patient outcomes, underscoring the importance of a symbiotic relationship between engineering and healthcare to drive meaningful advancements in medical technology.

Bridging Academic Knowledge and Professional Success

Dr. Chyu started a platform aiming at helping engineering students and young engineers succeed in the healthcare industry and helping the healthcare industry recruit qualified engineers. The healthcare industry needs more qualified engineers from various engineering disciplines in terms of both quantity and quality. However, as a major issue, most existing engineering curricula (particularly the undergraduate curricula) cover very little or no healthcare/biomedicine, except biomedical engineering. Still, the healthcare industry needs to hire far more engineers from other engineering disciplines than biomedical engineering, particularly computer, chemical, electrical, and mechanical engineers. However, most engineering students are not familiar with the career opportunities existing in the healthcare industry.

To bridge such a gap, Dr. Chyu started a platform that invites medical doctors with expertise in healthcare engineering and medical technology innovation, particularly those few MDs with engineering degrees, to deliver lectures to engineering students. The topics of focus are healthcare issues and problems that need engineering solutions to improve patient outcomes directly.

Engineering leaders from the healthcare industry, particularly the medical device/technology sector, as well as medical school professors with degrees in engineering, are also invited as guest speakers. These experts with dual expertise are most qualified and effective in teaching healthcare to engineering students.

Dr. Chyu works with healthcare engineering professionals and industry leaders on strategies to better train engineering students for healthcare jobs and helps university professors and administrators improve their curricula.

The Healthcare Engineering Mentoring Program, initiated by Dr. Chyu, serves as a platform where dedicated healthcare engineering professionals and leaders volunteer their time and expertise. The primary objectives of this program are to share knowledge, impart skills, and provide valuable insights derived from real-world experience. The focus is on assisting engineering students in their preparation for careers within the healthcare and medical technology industry.

This mentoring initiative goes beyond academic support, aiming to empower young healthcare engineers to not only enter the field but to thrive in their professional journeys. By connecting seasoned professionals with aspiring talent, the program facilitates a transfer of wisdom, fostering the development of practical skills and industry-specific know-how.

In essence, the Healthcare Engineering Mentoring Program serves as a collaborative space, where the collective wisdom of experienced professionals contributes to the growth and success of the next generation of healthcare engineers. Through mentorship, the program seeks to bridge the gap between academic knowledge and the nuanced demands of the dynamic healthcare and medical technology industry.

A Proactive Approach

As a trailblazer, leader, and researcher in Healthcare Engineering, Dr. Chyu draws motivation from the continual generation of new ideas and the enhancement of services. His approach involves daily communication not only with members and followers of HEALS but also proactively reaching out to individuals who may contribute novel ideas. This outreach extends to both experts at the intersection of healthcare and engineering and those who may benefit from the services provided.

Dr. Chyu’s communication network spans healthcare professionals, engineers in the healthcare industry, researchers, professors, students, inventors, consultants, and entrepreneurs. He recognizes the collaborative nature of idea generation, emphasizing that great ideas often emerge through conversations with multiple individuals.

Through this ongoing dialogue, he gains valuable insights from experts offering advice and stimulating thoughts, as well as from individuals seeking assistance. The learning process involves staying informed about new technologies and trends. By engaging with diverse perspectives and needs, Dr. Chyu aims to understand the requirements of healthcare professionals, how engineers can contribute, what engineers need, and how healthcare professionals can be of assistance. This iterative and inclusive approach enables the creation of synergy between healthcare and engineering, contributing to the advancement of Healthcare Engineering Alliance Society’s objectives.

Dr. Chyu played a leadership role in initiating and establishing all service platforms in HEALS. For years, Dr. Chyu has helped medical doctors and other healthcare professionals who, based on their clinical experience and expertise, have developed their inventions to the extent that needs help from engineers, researchers, consultants, or companies to elevate to a level closer to FDA approval, manufacturing and commercialization.

On the other hand, Dr. Chyu has helped engineers, engineering professors, researchers, and companies connect with clinicians to make sure their inventions/products can really benefit patient outcomes.

Based on such experience, he established a platform that allows healthcare professionals, engineers, researchers, inventors, consultants, investors, entrepreneurs, and companies to collaborate on projects leading to the commercialization of new medical devices and technologies.

The main function of the platform is to compile a number of technical projects that address the unmet needs in patient care, mostly originating from clinicians, engineers, and medical device/technology companies seeking collaborations on the conceptualization, research, design, prototyping, testing, clinical trial, regulation compliance, FDA clearance/approval, manufacture, capital funding, etc. This platform also provides excellent opportunities for engineering students to learn by working with clinicians, engineers, and companies on real-world healthcare projects.

View on Evolving Landscape of Healthcare

Dr. Chyu underscores the dynamic and complex nature of the healthcare industry, which is continuously evolving under the influence of technological, economic, social, and regulatory factors. Despite recognition and success, Dr. Chyu advocates for maintaining humility and a relentless thirst for continuous learning. To stay at the forefront of the healthcare field, he emphasizes the importance of keeping up with technological advancements and being open to exploring new territories.

Additionally, Dr. Chyu highlights the significance of ongoing engagement with healthcare professionals and patients, recognizing their experiences and insights as valuable sources of knowledge. In his view, this commitment to perpetual learning is not just a professional necessity but a personal passion, characterizing the journey as an endless pursuit that he finds fulfilling and enjoyable.

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