On Thursday, some six months after launching in the United States, Google said that NotebookLM, its AI-powered note-taking assistant, would be expanding to more than 200 new nations. In addition, additional capabilities and languages have been added to the platform, which is powered by Google’s multimodal LLM Gemini 1.5 Pro, to encourage more users to use AI to create summaries and pose queries based on their papers.
As of right now, NotebookLM covers 208 countries and territories in addition to Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, and the United Kingdom. Along with adding 108 additional languages, Arabic, Assamese, Bengali, Cantonese, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Hindi, and Hinglish are now supported on the AI-assisted app’s interface by Google.
38 more languages, including Arabic, Bengali, Chinese (traditional and simplified), Dutch, French, German, Hindi, Japanese, and Spanish, are also supported for sources and discussion.
NotebookLM was first made available to a small number of users in June of last year. It was first shown as Project Tailwind at Google I/O in 2023. AI is used to assist in creating summaries and providing answers from user-uploaded papers, transcripts, notes, and other sources. This is not the case with classic AI chatbots, such as ChatGPT, which frequently disregard the sources that users supply and produce content that may or may not be accurate based on training data.
Along with the functionality already provided by Google for Google Docs, PDFs, and text files, NotebookLM will also be able to source material from Google Slides and online URLs. This enables users to annotate papers, pose queries, and investigate online content that include text or images.
Early NotebookLM adopters in the US had high hopes that it would work with well-known note-taking programs like Google Keep and Evernote. But in a virtual round-table earlier this week, TechCrunch was informed by Raiza Martin, senior product manager for AI at Google Labs, that Google wants to prioritize the product’s fundamental value before growing integrations.
“Down the road, you’ll hopefully see these types of integrations,” she continued.
Additionally, Google has included inline citations to assist you in fact-checking AI-generated answers, reading the original text for additional context, and examining supporting sections in your sources. Citations used to be found beneath the answers that the assistant produced.
Additionally, Notebook Guide is included, which aids in formatting your content into study guides, briefing papers, and FAQs, among other formats.
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