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Elon Musk’s brain implant company Neuralink announces FDA approval of in-human clinical study

Neuralink, the neurotech startup co-founded by Elon Musk, has achieved a significant milestone by receiving approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its first in-human clinical study. This approval marks a major step forward for Neuralink in its mission to develop a brain implant called the Link, designed to assist patients with severe paralysis in controlling external technologies using neural signals.

The FDA’s approval paves the way for Neuralink to conduct extensive testing with human patients, bringing the company one step closer to market. While several companies in the emerging brain-computer interface (BCI) industry have made progress in developing promising systems, none have obtained the FDA’s final seal of approval for commercial medical devices.

Neuralink’s BCI requires invasive brain surgery, involving the insertion of a small circular implant called the Link, connected to thin, flexible threads that detect neural signals. Patients will use the Neuralink app to learn how to control the device, enabling them to interact with external devices such as mice and keyboards through a Bluetooth connection.

This FDA approval comes after Neuralink faced some challenges, including an investigation into packaging and transportation practices, as well as initial rejection of its application for human trials. The company has also faced criticism from activist groups concerning its treatment of animals used in experiments.

Looking ahead, Neuralink’s groundbreaking technology holds the potential to not only restore communication abilities for individuals with paralysis but also explore future applications in treating blindness, mental illness, and other health conditions. With Elon Musk’s vision for Neuralink to benefit both patients and healthy individuals, the company continues to push the boundaries of innovation at the intersection of technology and neuroscience.


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