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Anne Høyer | Head of Partnerships | Digital Services

Anne Høyer: Welding Visions into Reality on Manufacturing’s Horizon

The intricate workings of a world-renowned industrial machinery manufacturing giant involves navigating technological advancements, globalization, sustainability considerations, regulatory compliance, and the need for innovation and competitiveness.

Danfoss is adapting to these dynamics in the realm of innovation and engineering excellence shaping the future of energy efficiency and sustainability. At the heart of this dynamic narrative stands Anne Høyer, a visionary, the Head of Partnerships in Digital Services.

With a canvas that spans markets and industries, Anne’s role is pivotal. She crafts and executes partnership strategies, weaving together a diverse network of collaborators to realize collective goals.

Anne’s acumen shines as she navigates the landscape of big tech, steering Danfoss as a Microsoft-managed ISV. Simultaneously, she engages with startups, research institutions, channel sales, system integrators, and service partners, sculpting alliances that fuel transformation.

Let’s dive into the pages of Danfoss’ legacy unfolding Anne’s contributions which remain instrumental in propelling Danfoss as a driving force behind modern solutions!

From Shop Floor to Boardroom

Anne embarked on her career journey in the dynamic realm of Media. With a role spanning TV, advertisements, analytics and strategy, she honed her skills in storytelling and relationship-building. After a span of years, a new path beckoned as she joined SAP. Here, the veil was lifted on the profound impact of Technology and the collective opportunities it offered as she asserted, “we can drive together.”

Anne’s fusion of her storytelling finesse and relationship expertise with SAP’s technological prowess became a recipe for success She says, “I found it natural to get our solutions on the agenda of some of the world’s largest companies.”

Her mission is to champion her company’s solutions within the corridors of global giants. But the tech landscape wasn’t without challenges. Immersing herself in both industry intricacies and customer nuances, she realized that triumph demanded unity.

Anne knew that to conquer the complexities, collaboration was the ultimate key. She supports this with the statement, “It quickly occurred to me that if we are to succeed, it must be a joint effort.”

The Legacy

Danfoss engineers’ solutions increase machine productivity, reduce emissions,
lower energy consumption and enable electrification.

The solutions are used in such areas as refrigeration, air conditioning, heating, power conversion, motor control, industrial machinery, automotive, marine, and off-and on-highway equipment. It also provides solutions for renewable energy, such as solar and wind power, as well as district-energy infrastructure for cities.

The innovative engineering dates back to 1933. Danfoss is family-owned, employing more than 40,000 people and serving customers in more than 100 countries through a global footprint of 95 factories.

Mechanisms of Brilliance

Anne is a guiding force at Danfoss who understands the company’s heritage—a rich 90-year legacy in the domain. A global presence across industries has fortified customer trust through resolute innovation and consistent delivery.

However, a new chapter unfolds. As the company delves into IT, transitioning into a software entity, Anne steers this evolution. Traditional boundaries expand, now offering solutions beyond the physical realm. The prospects are exhilarating, accompanied by distinct challenges.

Anne champions collaboration with partners. This union enhances solutions, addressing market demands that transcend current expertise. An example emerges in the realm of sustainability, where discussions entwine with carbon accounting—here, strategic partnerships with dedicated firms come to fruition.

Yet, the heart of Anne’s strategy lies in nurturing a culture of partnership. From product inception through research and development to sales, alliances shape the roadmap.

From Factory Floors to World Doors

Anne embodies the core ethos of Danfoss, a company rooted in familial values. These principles infuse every facet of daily operations, shaping interactions with colleagues, customers, partners and communities.

For Anne, transparency and equity define partnerships. Whether collaborating with Fortune 500 giants or nimble start-ups, every voice carries equal weight, surmounting cultural barriers.

Anne champions the power of unity in partnerships, where collective strength surpasses individual contributions. In her words, “The wonderful thing about partnerships is, that the whole is bigger than its parts and all play an equally important role in successfully achieving the goals.”

From Tools to Tech

Earlier this year, a significant announcement reverberated through the business world. Anne, at the helm of this exciting development, shared news of a groundbreaking partnership. The spotlight was on Salling Group A/S, Denmark’s retail giant, a longtime collaborator tracing back to the early 1980s.

What’s different now? A united pursuit of sustainable innovation in food retail. The resonance of this partnership stemmed from its harmonious fusion. Danfoss, recognized for traditional manufacturing, had taken bold strides into digital domains. With a shared appetite for progress, Salling Group and Danfoss merged their strengths.

A notable inclusion was Microsoft, which contributes its technological prowess. Their collective goal is to pioneer products that serve end customers seamlessly.

Stepping Into Digital Horizons

In the pursuit of staying ahead in innovation and maintaining relevance for the future, the value of high-performance and diverse teams becomes paramount. Anne recognizes this truth and champions its importance.

Not merely a matter of correctness, the research underscores the potent benefits of diversity—heightened creativity, amplified productivity and increased efficiency. She asserts, “Not only is this the right thing to do, but research has also proven that diverse teams are more creative, productive and efficient.”

Anchored in the belief that nurturing both individuals and their work environment is pivotal, Anne fuels Danfoss’ growth journey. She believes taking care of the people and working environment—where everyone feels engaged, respected and included is crucial for the growth of the company.

The accolades affirm this commitment. In consecutive years—2021 and 2022—Forbes adorned Danfoss with a coveted title: ‘The World’s Top Female-Friendly Companies.’ This honor celebrates the company’s dedicated support for women within and beyond the professional sphere.

Anne says, “We are working towards closing the gender gap across all roles, including in STEM. Currently, 29% of our workforce with a science background are women.”

Wiring Urban Sustainability

In the ever-expanding urban landscape, where energy diversity reigns, Anne stands as a beacon of innovation. As district heating plants grow more intricate, their seamless operation is paramount. Anne’s champion, Danfoss, emerges with solutions that unlock these grids’ utmost potential. Their resolve is to keep plants operational while harnessing renewable energy for a sustainable future.

At the heart of their arsenal lies the Leanheat® software suite and AI-driven technology. A duo that not only plans and optimizes district energy systems but also envisions future consumption. This foresight allows for the precise calibration of supply temperature and pressure, ensuring smooth distribution.

Danfoss extends beyond mere innovation—it engenders municipal collaborations. Proximity speaks volumes, as in Sønderborg, adjacent to their headquarters. Here, Project Zero has been ignited, a mission to achieve carbon neutrality by 2029. The journey has begun with an impressive 50% energy reduction, powered by Danfoss’ technological guidance, financial support and clever repurposing of excess heat.

Anne’s legacy is rooted in energy efficiency—a route often underestimated. Yet, she affirms, the greenest energy is that which remains untapped. Beyond technology, Danfoss lends its expertise through training, webinars and industry alliances, cultivating a skilled workforce for a seamless energy transition.

Gears of Change

Anne stands at the forefront of Danfoss’ commitment to ESG progress. With a resolute goal to attain 30% women in leadership roles by 2025, a comprehensive strategy is underway:

  • Recruitment: Anne spearheads efforts to welcome diverse talent, refining attraction, selection and hiring practices.
  • Retention: Equally important, Anne champions retaining diversity by empowering leaders & teams and cultivating inclusivity.
  • Representation: Progressing diverse representation is paramount. Anne drives this through impactful learning avenues, encompassing training and mentorship.

Embracing this mission, Danfoss birthed Employee Resource Groups (ERGs). Anne initiated a Gender-focused group, uniting employees of all gender identities. These communities mold organizational culture, fostering belonging via shared identities and experiences.

ERGs, steered by two executives, including a Group Executive Team member, cement Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Danfoss’ core. With Anne’s guidance, Danfoss embodies its purpose and strategic priorities through tangible action.

Welding Dreams into Reality

Portfolio Career,” Anne reflects, encapsulates her journey—shifting industries, embracing diverse tasks and fostering multifaceted growth. Learning, she emphasizes, propels progress and expanding horizons never goes in vain.

Understanding one’s role in the company’s triumphs, Anne advises, is pivotal. Contributions shape success. And in this pursuit, seeking aid, even from upper echelons, yields only assistance, not denial. “No” is foreign in terms of support to fortify organizations’ success.

Anne’s narrative underscores empowerment through evolution and wisdom, driving her and fostering collective accomplishment.

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